
Please do not confuse compassion for weakness.

Ayn Rand…one crazy bitch

Her philosophy was at the very least flawed and inconsistent…

supporting abortion rights,[75] opposing the Vietnam War and the military draft (but condemning draft dodgers as “bums”),[76] supporting Israel in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 as “civilized men fighting savages”,[77] saying European colonists had the right to take land from American Indians,[78] and calling homosexuality “immoral” and “disgusting”.[79] She also endorsed several Republican candidates for President of the United States, most strongly Barry Goldwater in 1964, whose candidacy she promoted in several articles for The Objectivist Newsletter.[80] – wikipedia

I suppose in the era in which she was published she was regarded as a creative thinker…

Tony Stewart is Right…

If I had a monkey

Nuff said…

Things I Love…things I don’t

I LOVE books more than TV

The older I get the less I like people and the more I LOVE my dogs

Mowing the lawn sucks

I LOVE strippers

I LOVE women with curves

NASCAR is stupid

Golf is worse than NASCAR

I was just kidding…

When people say “I was just kidding” in a way that suggests it is your fault for not understanding them, they aren’t really “just kidding”